Friday, August 15, 2008

Bike Commuting By the Numbers

From U.S. News: Bike Commuting By the Numbers, Compared to Americans, Europeans are way out in front.

From the article:
In Portland, Ore., 3.5 percent of trips to work are made by bike, the highest share among the 50 largest American cities. The lowest: Kansas City, Mo., at a paltry 0.02 percent.
37 percent of short trips (under 2.5 kilometers, or 1.5 miles) are made on a bicycle in the Netherlands, compared with 2 percent in the United States. 1.1 cyclists are killed per 100 million km cycled there; in the United States, 5.8 cyclists are killed per 100 million km.

Everybody ride & drive safely & hooray for Portland!

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