Monday, June 30, 2008

Landis Etc.

From, "The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in Switzerland announced today its decision regarding ex-Tour de France winner Floyd Landis vs. US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA). The court ruled against Landis, ending his fight to clear his name and regain his Tour victory. Landis will have to serve the full two-year suspension that is back-dated to January 30, 2007. Additionally, Landis was ordered to pay $100,000 in costs to the USADA."
The full CAS judgment, should you care to read all 58 pages of it, can be found here.

From the International Herald Tribune, "Study shows problems with Olympic-style tests", namely, "a urine test that is supposed to detect the drug [EPO], and that will be used in the Tour de France next month and in the Olympics in August, is likely to miss it, the study says."
The article describes testing procedures that will be used during the upcoming Olympic games as well as during the Tour de France and discusses the problems, both real and potential, in the testing procedures.

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